Ketela go International

About Ketela

Ketela cool
Why ketela, …why not
Ketela is not food; we eat ketela just because it can be eaten
Ketela is not plant; we called plant just because it can grow
Ketela is way of live, the supreme principle of every action we do.
Do you know to grow Ketela is very simple. Break one of the stick, put it deeply in the ground, Then we do the most important thing, that is “wait” to grow.
So we are simple, we experience phenomenon in Indonesia, put it deeply in this blog, Then we do the most important thing, that is “wait” to grow

21 Responses to 'About Ketela'

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  1. 5un5hine said,

    Great description. I like it 🙂
    Nice to know u

    * thank ^^

  2. toni said,

    [mode en]Cool,,,,keep write for you!!![/mode]

    [mode id]Salam kenal yagh buat ketela,,,blogger baru nih,,,,semangat2 yah[/mode]

    * iya baru ni, mohon bimbingannya

  3. nuha said,

    hei..hei…salam kenal…tulisan “jeritan rakyat…”ku sudah ada sambunganny lho…selamat membaca…

  4. nuha said,

    “telo….!!!” telo=bolet

  5. dEEt said,

    wuiiiihh.. cassava, huh??! *sok english*
    i like ketela..
    ketela goreng, keripik ketela..
    pokok-a maknyuss..

    idup ketela!!!
    *berapi2, semangat ’45*

  6. Rhein said,

    ini sapa yah? kakak S anak fisika aneh?

    * saya kakak S, super anak fisika sangat aneh sekali 😀

  7. Reconciler said,

    i recommend you put contact page or your email..

    because,,sometime there’re some people *like me* who want to give some suggestion or “kritik” *what in english?*

    thank for you whom make this blog appeared online.
    salam hangat dari sini

  8. Pepy said,

    Were you taking about cassava or sweet potato?

  9. Pepy said,

    upssssss mistypo, I meant talking not taking

  10. ketela said,


    In jakarta ketela is cassava. So what I meant above is cassava. thank you for comment 🙂

  11. riafvanti said,

    kayana ini blog yg pnah dipromosiin ma bintang kecil deh… 🙂

  12. fizi said,

    i love ketela, especially when it’s sold as “i-like-it” (in bahasa indonesia) cassava chips… huehehehehe…. :mrgreen:

    btw, salam kenaal 😀 tengkyu sudah mampir2 di tempat saiia…

    lulusan 28 thn kapan kak?

  13. sandi said,

    @ riavanty , iya sy sama dia satu jurusan kuliah
    @ fizi , sy angkatan lulus 2004,

    terima kasih atas komentnya

  14. edy said,

    salam kenal 🙂

  15. merahitam said,

    ketela ungu direbus hangat-hangat
    disantap sore hari rasanya nikmat
    bersama secangkir teh, sedap sekali
    membuat hari terasa indah sekali

    Hehehe…salam kenal.

  16. diana said,

    lam kenal ya, manggilnya apa nih biar enak? Moga2 terus semangat nulis di blog ya, doakan juga 🙂 Monggo mampir ke blogku, ditunggu…

  17. Eru said,

    I love ketela….

    Ket, ket…. blognya ijo kaya poonnya

  18. cilembu cileumbu, ayo ayo, masih anget…5000 aja, dijamin kentut bau…

  19. aliefte said,

    tela-tela.. enak-enak.. heheh..
    thx 4 visit my blog..:D lam kenal ya..:)

  20. suharjono said,

    Sandi nih…. Kirain siape…

  21. lasota said,

    I’m from here.

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